lunes, 25 de julio de 2016

Severe Food Intolerance 36 year old male Treated with FMTs

European male, 36 years old, refers:
- Diagnosed lactose intolerant 10 years ago
- Diagnosed with celiac disease 2 years ago
- Diagnosed refined sugar and citric acid intolerance 1 year ago
- Diagnosed fructose, starch, yeast, intolerant 5 month ago
After starting with gluten free diet (2 years ago) he lost 12 Kg
He suffers from constant diarrhea or soft stools, with 2 to 6 bowel movements a day. The patient was on a gluten, lactose, fructose, refined sugar, starch, yeast free, citric acid diet. He only ate rice, meat, eggs and a few vegetables 4-5 times a day.
Main complaints:
- unfocused, lack of concentration
- weak, powerless
- irritability, especially to any unusual noise
- unable to gain weight
- multiple food intolerance (more strict than a gluten free diet)
- frequent headaches
When we received the patient at Newbery Medicine on the last week of March 2016 he looked very thin and remarkably weak. His weight was 58 kilos his height 1,80. The rest of the physical examination was normal.
We started treating him with Fecal Microbiota Transplants via colonic enema. He tolerated the procedure very well. We repeated FMTs during five consecutive days. By the end of the week he felt somehow more energetic. He noticed he was constipated, which was unusual for him. He took with him frozen implants to continue doing FMTs at home.
Evolution referred by the patient:
April 8: weight went up to 60 kilos, less headaches and more energy.
April 15: weight 61,5 kilos, tried potatoes and got diarrhea for the first time since starting with FMTs. Trying new foods in very small (almost microscopic) portions.
April 22: weight 61,7 kilos, no headaches, continue trying new foods. Less irritability, ate half a potato with no negative symptoms.
April 30: weight 62,4. Tried new foods with some "brain fog" and fatigue.
May 7: weight 63,2. Feeling much better. Only eating small portions of food remains without negative reactions.
May 21: weight 63,5. Ate more potatoes and no reaction.
One month without FMTs as I am traveling.
July 8: weight 69 kilos (11 kilos above the weight when FMTs started). During my trip I tested many new foods and most of them felt good, I had a couple of days with some loose stools. My chronic fatigue is gone and my fear to fly is also gone. Altogether I think FMTs are working very well.

More information, please contact or visit

lunes, 18 de julio de 2016

Crohn´s Disease In a 4 Year Old Treated with Fecal Microbiota Transplants

Crohn´s Disease In a 4 Year Old Treated with Fecal Microbiota Transplants

Female born by cesarean showing a severe atopic dermatitis at three months and at 6 months starts with bloody diarrhea. She is diagnosed as Crohn's disease as her ileum is severely compromised.Her initial treatment was enteral nutrition, supplements and folic acid until she is almost four years old, she never formed stools and her dermatitis persisted. She did not gain weight and had very low energy. She attended kindergarten but had to take frequent naps as she got exhausted very easily.When she was three and a half years her pediatric gastroenterologist recommended the parents to start with a very strong drug (a biologic) and that is when they decided to try something new they found searching the internet. They found some promising results by transforming the gut bacteria being replaced with healthy bacteria via enema. This is a different treatment choice for Crohn´s disease, disease that medicine still ignores where it comes from and why it stays with the patient for the rest of his days. The parents made a consultation with us and we frankly said we have treated other patients with Crohn´s disease but never did it on someone as young as Paula   (not the real name). We discussed the pros and cons and they decided to try doing Fecal Microbiota Transplants (FMTs) as the risks were minimum and the worst scenario could be that Paula did not get any benefit from the implants.Just to know where Paula´s inflammation status was we performed a fecal test called Fecal Calprotectin that can help us measure the progress or not of her treatment. Her initial value on July 7, 2015 was 779 units (normal value less than 50).Our first treatment was on August 27, 2015. The technique is quite simple and very well tolerated, it is performed through a very thin rectal catheter that reaches very high in her descending colon where we implant bacteria from a health donor that has been thoroughly studied and supervised every 60 days.We did daily implants for more than a month and around that time her mother noticed a marked improvement in her energy levels, her skin cleared, the dermatitis almost disappeared and her stools were gaining consistency. Five months later she is getting one FMT per week and her Fecal calprotectin is consistently low In the value of 130 units). She gained weight and has a normal child life, her hair got much better and never suffered again from her dermatitis.

   This is how Paula´s belly looks today, a normal flat belly
One very interesting feature we noticed was that she showed a very distended and tense belly before the treatment, nowadays her belly is totally flat and we can examine her gut with no difficult. Her appetite has increased and enjoys any meal as opposed before when she felt no enthusiasm about any food-

Persistent Fistula in a 25 years old Male with a Colectomy and Pouch Treated with Fecal Microbiota Transplants

Initial situation November 17, 2015
Persistent Fistula in a 25 years old Male with a Colectomy and Pouch Treated with Fecal Microbiota TransplantsPatient with Ulcerative colitis since he was 15 years old. Treated with many drugs without any positive response. At the age of 18 he undergoes a total colectomy with ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA) or "J" Pouch. Since the first year postop he developed a "pouchitis" that needed the usage of antibiotics on a permanent base.
He consulted with us because now he has a fistula and an a perianal abscess that does not respond to any surgical or medical approach. When we examined the zone we found a deep open abscess with purulent content and a seton drainage connecting the fistula and the rectal cavity.
 Initial situation November 17, 2015

We started to perform Fecal Microbiota Transplants (FMT) via rectal catheter, the antibiotics were interrupted 10 days before the first procedure. The FMTs were performed every day.
There were no side effects nor aggravation of his symptoms.

 Evolution on December 3, 2015, less drainage

 Evolution on December 11, 2015, the abscess is almost totally covered with new tissue and the seton can be freely moved without purulent material.

 Final phase, January 4. A week later the seton is removed. The patient felt his initial symptoms related to the abscess and the fistula were relieved, the pouchitis persisted although he saw some improvements during the treatment with FMTs.


lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2015

Un año despues de Tratar la Colitis Ulcerosa con Transplantes Fecales

 Seis meses despues de comenzar los Transplantes de Bacterias Intestinales

En el año 2010 me diagnosticaron Colitis Ulcerosa, desde entonces la vengo peleando día a día como cada uno, al principio fue muy difícil y duro aceptar esta realidad pero ahora mi perspectiva cambió y miro con ojos positivos, disfruto cada pequeña cosa que me regala la vida y recuerdo sonreír siempre!..
Durante los últimos 5 años me medicaron con gran cantidad de medicamentos por día (mesalazina, corticoides, mercaptopurina, etc.) tenía que hacer una lista de estos remedios y cada dos horas estaba tomando algo, una tortura. Los síntomas persistían, por más medicamentos que tomaba la diarrea con sangre era permanente, solamente cuando me subían mucho la dosis del corticoide podía hacer algo de lo mucho que quería hacer en la vida.

Me volví corticodependiente, cada vez que intentaban sacarme el corticoide, recaía, sentía que era como oxígeno para mi.

Finalmente luego de investigar largas horas en internet descubrí que hay un nuevo método que consiste en modificar las bacterias del intestino (que parece ser son muy importantes en esta enfermedad) y que se realiza en Buenos Aires (yo vivo en la Prov de Corrientes).

Luego de discutirlo con mis padres -que maravillosamente me apoyaron en este nuevo intento. decidimos hacer una consulta con Newbery Medicine y pudimos entender que es un método nuevo pero que no implica ningún riesgo y que potencialmente podría ayudarme, decidimos comenzar el tratamiento de Transplante de Bacterias Intestinales (FMT en inglés). El primer implante lo realicé a mediados de Diciembre de 2014.

Los resultados positivos fueron casi inmediatos, mejoraron enormemente mis síntomas, pude controlar mis "urgencias", no tenía necesidad de levantarme numerosas veces durante la noche, la sangre fue despareciendo lentamente.

Al mes de recibir Transplantes diarios dejé completamente de tomar todos los medicamentos y mis análisis de sangre y materia fecal fueron normales. No lo podía creer, no tenía que tomar NADA, ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA de medicamentos. Lo más difícil del proceso, creo que fue tomar la decisión de empezar a hacerme el tratamiento, era algo nuevo, con poca experiencia en el mundo en ese momento, pero creo que fue una de las decisiones más acertadas de mi vida.
Un año despues
Ahora un año después de haber iniciado el tratamiento y continuarlo en forma regular, ustedes pueden ver como cambió mi cara, como he recuperado la alegría de vivir, estudio, hago una vida social normal, tengo proyectos y un futuro, sin síntomas de ningún tipo y sin riesgos de estar tomando esos poderosos medicamentos que ya me hacían mal cuando los tomaba, no me imagino lo que me hubiesen hecho de haber seguido con ellos al día de hoy. Los Transplantes de Bacterias Fecales -FMT- me permite controlar adecuadamente la inflamación. Todos los análisis que me he hecho este año muestran que no hay inflamación y así quiero y planeo seguir, no voy a poner en riesgo lo ganado, seguiré con implantes regulares, probablemente una vez al mes luego que me realice los próximos análisis -el más importante se llama Calprotectina Fecal y mide qué pasa con la enfermedad en nuestro intestino y a mí me dió muy elevado al principio, antes de empezar con los transplantes, ahora está en valores normales, de confirmar eso, pasaré a hacerme implantes mensuales.   
Para ampliar la informacion contactarse con o visite la pagina


sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2015

Colitis ulcerosa controlada solamente con Transplantes de Bacterias Fecales

Joven padre de una bella niña estuvo imposibilitado de disfrutar de su hija hasta que comenzó con los Transplantes Fecales, luego de 20 implantes pudo dejar completamente toda la medicación y pudo retornar a su trabajo luego de casi un año sin poder salir del baño y de la cama.

Video: Angel tiene 24 años y controla su Colitis Ulcerosa con Transplantes de bacterias

Las alteraciones en la población bacteriana del intestino es una de las causas en la producción y mantenimiento de los sintomas de Colitis ulcerosa. Un ejemplo claro de ello es cuando se interrumpe el transito intestinal mediante una cirugía -por ejemplo cuando se hace una colostomía transitoria- los síntomas de la colitis: diarrea, sangrado, dolor, desaparecen casi de inmediato. En el moemnto en que se "reconecta" el tránsito intestinal estos síntomas retornan.

Basado en esta evidencia no es de extrañar que si las bacterias de un intestino inflamado son reemplazadas por bacterias provenientes de un intestino NO inflamado, se estan reproduciendo las mismas condiciones que cuando se interrumpe el pasaje de materia fecal por la luz intestinal.

En este blog ya son varios los testimonios que dan cuenta de los beneficios de desplazar las bacterias "enfermas" por bacterias sanas. Hasta el momento no hemos detectado ningún efecto secundario y los pacientes mediante implantes periódicos han podido resumir su vida laboral y de estudios.

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

Bacterias que curan enfermedades

Nota peridistica de la BBC que reporta sobre el banco de bacterias de Boston, Openbiome. La existencia de bancos de bacterias es un tema que cobra cada vez mayor notoriedad. Newbery Clinic ( ya cuenta con un banco que se basa en los estandares internacionales y está dirigido por una Doctora en Bacteriología

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